Jack and Jasmine are 6 and a half months now. I can't believe time has flown by so quickly. They are both sitting up. Jasmine loves to try new foods, Jack is still favoring the bottle. Jaz claps her hands and rolls over. Jack says, "ba ba ba ba." They had their shots yesterday and Jack is super miserable - low grade fever and incessant crying. Poor little guy. Poor mama - I was up every half hour with him last night until 4:30 am when he graciously let me sleep two solid hours before waking me at 6:30 again. Brandon took the morning shift from there and I slept until 10 am!
Looking back at this picture makes me cry. They are so floppy and still furry and tiny here - just 7 days old and 6 and 7 lbs each. Little sweeties.
Beautiful picture! I can't believe it's been that long already! I hope you are well (despite the no-sleep routine). If you get a second, I'd love an update!
so sweet! it's so fun to hear what they are up to! Sorry Jack isn't feeling well.
Hey, look at you- quarterly writer. This is such a cute picture. Sorry Jack is having a rough time. Hope he is feeling better.
Thanks for the update! Hope you are well! I hope I can meet your babies someday.
YAY! I love this picture. It makes me cry because I miss you so much.
I'm sorry about Jack being so miserable. Those shots can wreak some seriously havoc.
Love you guys. LOVE LOVE LOVE
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